We Just Breached the 410 Parts Per Million Threshold
The world just passed another round-numbered climate milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and lo and behold, it has. On Tuesday, the Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm in case you want the full deal).
A Village and Chatham County (NC) Regional Environmental Resource Site
The Mauna Loa Observatory Recorded its First-Ever Carbon Dioxide Reading in Excess of 410 parts per million (it was 410.28 ppm)
How the Foods We Eat Affect Climate & the Planet
Chew On This For Earth Day: How Our Diets Impact The Planet
The foods we choose to put on our plates - or toss away - could have more of an ecological impact than many of us realize. On Earth Day, here are some ways to consider how our diet impacts the planet. Waste not, want not You've heard the numbers on food waste.
Planet Warming is Driving Human Migration
How a Warming Planet Drives Human Migration
Climate change is not equally felt across the globe, and neither are its longer term consequences. This map overlays human turmoil - represented here by United Nations data on nearly 64 million "persons of concern," whose numbers have tripled since 2005 - with climate turmoil, represented by data from NASA's Common Sense Climate Index.
For First Time Since 1800s, Britain Goes a Day Without Burning Coal for Electricity
Britain Poised to Go Full Day Without Burning Coal for Electricity
LONDON - If all goes according to plan, Friday will be the first full day since the height of the Industrial Revolution that Britain will not burn coal to generate electricity, a development that officials and climate change activists were already celebrating as a watershed moment.
FHA & The Green Scene: 4-In-One Community Recycling Event
Fearrington Village and Galloway Ridge Residents Only
Have your confidential documents destroyed on site, free of charge. Watch as Shimar Recycling Inc. shreds your documents.Guidelines:
- Bound paper stacks one inch thick or more need to be separated
- Remove rubber bands and heavy banker's paper clips from papers
- Paper should not be in binders or heavy plastic.
For more information, contact: the FHA Office at The Gathering Place Monday-Friday 9:00am - Noon. Phone: 919-542-1603. Email: office@fearringtonfha.org.
This will be a drive-through operation provided by ECO-FLO and Green Scene volunteers. Put containers inside a cardboard box or a reusable bin lined with newspaper. Do not mix the products together and leave products in their original containers with labels intact. Put in the trunk of your vehicle. We will remove items from your vehicle.HAZARDOUS WASTE that will be accepted includes anything that is corrosive, reactive, toxic or ignitable (examples: Paint, Pesticides, Batteries, Herbicides, Oven Cleaner, Fluorescent Bulbs).
Please Do NOT Bring: asbestos, explosives, infectious waste or radioactive materials.
For more information, contact: the FHA Office at The Gathering Place Monday-Friday 9:00am - Noon. Phone: 919-542-1603. Email: office@fearringtonfha.org.
The Chatham County Sheriff’s Department will be available to safely dispose of all your old, unused, or expired prescription medications safely and legally.All you need to do is leave them in the original packaging and hand them to the sheriff deputy on duty at the Gathering Place. No liquid medication or "sharps" (needles) are accepted. We will also provide information on-site for those who may be interested in donating Remember: NEVER FLUSH medicines as they cause environmental issues. For more information, contact: the FHA Office at The Gathering Place Monday-Friday 9:00am - Noon. Phone: 919-542-1603. Email: office@fearringtonfha.org.
consider donating them to Chatham Cares Community Pharmacy [CCCP] in Siler City, a non-profit community based organization operated by a licensed pharmacist and committed to reducing health disparities by providing access to quality pharmacy services to the low-income, uninsured, and underinsured residents of Chatham County. Read all about it here.

Stopping Fires In Your Home With Smoke Alarms And Fire Extinguishers
Have you tested or used your fire extinguisher in the past year? United Fire and Safety Equipment Company will be at The Gathering Place for the annual recertification of your fire extinguishers at a cost of $8.50 by cash, check or credit card. They will also sell new smoke alarms and extinguishers. If your extinguisher can be refilled, the cost will be $16.50 (2.5 lbs.) or $23.50 (5 lbs.). The extinguishers will be returned to your home after refilling.Finally, at 12:00 noon, they will teach you the easy and safe way to extinguish a real fire. The lesson costs $10.00 and the company must have advance reservations by Thursday, May 18, 2017 to be sure they bring enough fire extinguishers to use during the training. Don’t wait to read the instructions while the flames on your kitchen stove are growing.
Making Money off Your Food Scraps (Garbage)
The 23-Year-Old Entrepreneur Making Money Off Your Trash
OZY and JPMorgan Chase have partnered to bring you an inside look at how entrepreneurs and their good business are helping the communities around them. Enjoy the rest of our special series here. I'm looking at what appears to be industrial-chic downtown decor - only I'm not downtown but in an old industrial zone.
Commitment to Build Totally Electric School Busses
Press Releases
Blue Bird to develop a zero-emissions electric-powered school bus that may fund school districts through 'Vehicle-to-Grid' (V2G) technology WASHINGTON, DC (Jan 27, 2017) - In December of 2016, the Department of Energy announced that they would be awarding $15M to organizations in an effort to accelerate the adoption of advanced and alternative fuel vehicles.
Climate Change is Changing Farmers' Lives
Climate Change Is Ruining Farmers' Lives, But Only A Few Will Admit It
When Christina Carter started growing vegetables 12 years ago, she looked forward to winters because they offered her the chance to recover from the strenuous growing and harvesting seasons. That's no longer the case. Summers are hotter and stormier than they used to be, and fall never seems to come.
New Light on Sustainable Solar Farms in North Carolina
New report shines light on sustainable solar farm development in the Southeast | Southern Environmental Law Center
A new report released by SELC highlights how communities across the Southeast are harnessing the many benefits of solar power while ensuring that energy demands are balanced with smart, sustainable development of solar farms. " The Environmental Review of Solar Farms in the Southeast U.S.
Forests Cool and Ease Climate Fears
Forests offer cool way to ease climate fears - Climate News Network
New global database of trees affirms the need for greater conservation and protection of forests to slow the pace of global warming. LONDON, 10 April, 2017 - European and US scientists have worked out how the Northern hemisphere keeps cool − so be grateful for the trees, and especially for the forests.