Modeling Nature's Contributions to People on a Global Scale

Global Modeling of Nature's Contributions to People

Natural Capital Project scientist Becky Chaplin Kramer talks about new work out in Science Magazine on modeling nature's contributions to people at a global scale.

When Rivers Stop Flowing

When rivers stop flowing, so do crucial natural benefits

Skip to content Skip to navigation | Posted in: News Release By Sarah Cafasso Researchers evaluate hydropower planning and the meaning of "sustainable" in the Mekong The Mekong Delta supports 17 million livelihoods and the largest freshwater fishery on earth. The Mekong delta supports 17 million livelihoods in southeast Asia.

High Mountain “Water Towers” Are in Trouble

The world's supply of fresh water is in trouble as mountain ice vanishes

This article was supported by Rolex, which is partnering with the National Geographic Society to shine a light on the challenges facing the Earth's critical life-support systems through science, exploration, and storytelling. High in the Himalaya, near the base of the Gangotri glacier, water burbles along a narrow river.