National and Regional (including NC & Southeast) Pollinator Resource Center

The Xerces Society " Pollinator Conservation Resource Center

This resource center is a collaboration of the Xerces Society and Neal Williams at the University of California, Davis. Significant funding was provided by a grant from NESARE.

Climate Science: What's New? My OneNOAA Science Seminar - July 2018

[40 minutes] Human emissions of greenhouse gases now overwhelm the influence of natural drivers on Earth's climate. How will our energy choices and resulting emissions affect temperature and precipitation, extreme events, sea level rise and more, over this century and beyond? What are the implications for meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement and avoiding dangerous change? And what about the potential for surprise, as we push the climate system harder and faster than any time in human history? Join Katharine as she highlights key results and new science from the first volume of the Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment, and lays out what to expect from the second volume on how climate change is affecting regions and sectors across the U.S.

Endangered Species Act Stripped of Key Provisions in Trump Administration Proposal

Endangered Species Act stripped of key provisions in Trump administration proposal

The Trump administration unveiled a proposal Thursday that would strip the Endangered Species Act of key provisions, a move that conservationists say will weaken a law enacted 45 years ago to keep plants and animals in decline from going extinct.

July 24, 2018 One-Hour Free WEBINAR: Transitioning from Gray to Green Infrastructure Using Urban Forestry

Transitioning from Gray to Green Infrastructure Using Urban Forestry

Jul 24, 2018 1:00 pm US/Eastern Pre-registration not required. Robert Northrop - Extension Forester, University of Florida IFAS Extension Georgia Master Timber Harvester - 1 hour CLE - Environment Credit International Society of Arboriculture - 1 hour ISA Municipal Specialist Credit International Society of Arboriculture - 1 hour ISA Certified Arborist Credit International Society of Arboriculture - 1 hour ISA Practice Credit Society of American Foresters - 1 hour Category 1 Credit An introduction to the influence of the urban forest has on storm water flows and water quality.

EPA Relaxes Rules on How Coal Ash Can Be Stored

EPA eases rules on how coal ash waste is stored across U.S.

The Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule Tuesday to overhaul requirements for handling the toxic waste produced by burning coal, providing more flexibility to state and industry officials who had sought a rollback of restrictions put in place in 2015.