Carbon Smart Farming: Cutting Conventional Fertilizers by 50 Per Cent

Interview of Missouri farmer JR Bollinger on his 2015 experiences growing corn, soybeans and milo by principles and practices of Carbon-Smart Farming. In his first year of commitment to Biological Agriculture, JR cut conventional fertilizers 50%! Use the "Pop-Out" option to expand the article to full zize.

Maryland to Ban Bee Killing Pesticides

Maryland To Become First State In U.S. To Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides

Building With Wood Reduces and Even Mitigates CO2 Emissions: A Good Response to Effects of Climate Change

The choices we make about the materials used as we develop the built environment have long-term effects on our society and the environment. Choose wood. It's beautiful, strong, versatile and renewable. With innovations in wood technologies, wood is now the wisest choice for more and more building applications, including mid-rise and even high-rise structures.
Video Created by the Oregon Forest Resources Institute.

Chatham Conservation Partnership July 21st Meeting

The next Chatham Conservation Partnership (CCP) meeting will be on Thursday, July 21, 2016, 9 am-12 noon, at the Agricultural Building Auditorium (65 East Chatham St., Pittsboro NC). The focus of the meeting will be on open space planning efforts within Chatham to make on-the-ground improvements in the conservation of the County’s natural resources and biodiversity. Our hope is that this will be another opportunity to learn what your community is doing and to get involved in the discussion.

Topics will be Chatham Park: Additional Element-Open Space, Pittsboro UDO: Natural Resource Conservation Overlay District, and Open Space in Chatham County Comprehensive Planning Process. A full agenda for the meeting is available at the CCP wiki:

The Chatham Conservation Partnership has created an innovative tool, the Comprehensive Conservation Plan, to help with land protection and development decisions in Chatham County. This plan is the first of its kind created for a county in North Carolina. The final Plan, including appendices and maps, can be accessed by visiting the Comprehensive Conservation Plan page.

Its the End of Water as we Know It | Seth Darling | TEDxSavannah

We are witnessing the end of the golden age of water. Freshwater was once abundant, cheap and safe for humans, but that is changing rapidly. Couple that with the fact that over the next 35 years, the world’s demand for water will rise by 55 percent, and it’s no wonder that water technology and management figure to shape the 21st century much like oil conflicts influenced the 20th century.

Seth B. Darling is a scientist at Argonne National Laboratory and a fellow at the Institute for Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago. After receiving his PhD from the University of Chicago and serving as the Glenn Seaborg Fellow at Argonne, Dr. Darling joined the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne as a staff scientist. His group’s research is motivated by humankind’s grand challenges with a particular emphasis on solar energy and water treatment. Dr. Darling has published over 100 papers and a popular book on climate change, holds several patents, and lectures widely on topics related to energy, climate, and water.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

NC Lawmakers Approve Easing Coal Ash Law Benefitting Duke Energy

Lawmakers approve easing coal ash law ::

Historic 2012 Turnaround by Outspoken Former Global Warming Skeptical Scientist

In 2012, after years of denying global warming and following a careful new study of the data, physicist Richard Muller announced that "global warming is real and humans are almost entirely the cause." The admission by Muller, a professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley and founder of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, gained additional attention because some of his research has been funded by Charles Koch of the Koch Brothers, the right-wing billionaire known for funding climate skeptic groups like the Heartland Institute. "We can make the scientific case more solidly than had been made in the past," Muller claims. "I think this does say we do need to take action, we do need to do something about it."