Chatham Conservation Partnership July 21st Meeting

The next Chatham Conservation Partnership (CCP) meeting will be on Thursday, July 21, 2016, 9 am-12 noon, at the Agricultural Building Auditorium (65 East Chatham St., Pittsboro NC). The focus of the meeting will be on open space planning efforts within Chatham to make on-the-ground improvements in the conservation of the County’s natural resources and biodiversity. Our hope is that this will be another opportunity to learn what your community is doing and to get involved in the discussion.

Topics will be Chatham Park: Additional Element-Open Space, Pittsboro UDO: Natural Resource Conservation Overlay District, and Open Space in Chatham County Comprehensive Planning Process. A full agenda for the meeting is available at the CCP wiki:

The Chatham Conservation Partnership has created an innovative tool, the Comprehensive Conservation Plan, to help with land protection and development decisions in Chatham County. This plan is the first of its kind created for a county in North Carolina. The final Plan, including appendices and maps, can be accessed by visiting the Comprehensive Conservation Plan page.