Nature-inspired water collection system wins $100,000 Ray of Hope Prize® - Biomimicry Institute
(PRESS RELEASE - October 21, 2017) By 2050, 9 billion people will live on our planet, and 70% of them will live in cities, creating a demand for sustainable local food production solutions. An international team based in New York City has developed a prototype product that mimics the way living systems capture, store, and distribute water, and has been awarded the 2017 $100,000 Ray C.
A Village and Chatham County (NC) Regional Environmental Resource Site
Nature-Inspired Water Collection System Wins $100,000 Ray of Hope Prize®
Here's How Much Climate Change Will Cost Each County in North Carolina
Here's how much climate change will cost each county in North Carolina - The Progressive Pulse
Climate change is not just an environmental issue, but an economic issue as well that impacts all 100 counties across North Carolina. As the country experiences an increasing number of billion-dollar disasters, the challenge for us all is to minimize the harm to families and communities and plan for the future.
A Global Tipping Point for Electric Cars Could Come as Early as 2022
The death of the gas-powered car, in one chart
By A global tipping point for electric cars could come as early as 2022, as battery costs decrease and concerns about range and infrastructure ease. That's from analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, who in a little over a year's time have turned even more optimistic about the future dominance of electric cars over internal-combustion vehicles.
E.P.A. Scrubs a Climate Website of 'Climate Change
E.P.A. Scrubs a Climate Website of 'Climate Change'
The analysis, from the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, which monitors changes to federal environmental agency websites, described the amount of removed data as "substantial." The energy resources website is the first site to which the E.P.A. has returned a large portion of material since pages dealing with climate science were removed from public view on April 28.
UNC Site: Convergence of Climate-Health-Vulnerabilities
About - Convergence of Climate-Health-Vulnerabilities
Convergence represents a collaboration among climatologists, public health researchers and professionals, environmental scientists, social science researchers, and community stakeholders to identify and address the impact of extreme climate events on communities in the Carolinas. This unique collaboration integrates research and ... Continued
The Only Answer to Rising Seas is to Retreat
The only answer to rising seas is to retreat
In response to the News & Observer's recent panel discussion on sea level rise in North Carolina, some have suggested that several communities in North Carolina are taking the right path to prepare for sea level rise. This is absolutely not the case.
Did Monsanto Ignore Evidence Linking Its Weed Killer (Roundup) to Cancer?
Did Monsanto Ignore Evidence Linking Its Weed Killer to Cancer?
The public brawl couldn't come at a more pivotal moment. Monsanto is currently pursuing a mega-merger with the German chemical giant Bayer AG, a $66 billion deal that still has to be approved by American and German antitrust regulators. The EPA's latest safety assessment of glyphosate is expected soon, and the European Union is also deliberating whether to relicense its use.
Explaining Geophysical Potential for Greater Wind Energy Over the Open Oceans (90 second video)
Geophysical potential for wind energy over the open oceans, with Ken Caldeira
Ken Caldeira talking about "Geophysical potential for wind energy over the open oceans" by Anna Possner and Ken Caldeira, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017. Ken Caldeira, Anna Possner,
NC Department of Environmental Quality Denies Environmental Plan for Atlantic Coast Pipeline
NC officials deny environmental plan for Atlantic Coast Pipeline
The NC Department of Environmental Quality said the 600-mile underground pipeline, which would travel through eight North Carolina counties, does not meet the state's standards for erosion and sediment control. The agency has asked Charlotte-based Duke and its partners to resubmit the application with additional information within 15 days, or to contest the agency's disapproval and request a hearing within 60 days.
U.S. Defense Department Takes Climate Change Seriously
The US Defense Department takes climate change seriously
While President Donald Trump has dismissed climate change as a hoax, the Department of Defense is focused on understanding and preparing for continued climate disruption and the security threats it poses in a warming world.
Jordan Lake One Water Association -- A New Collaboration
Jordan Lake One Water Association: A New Kind of Collaboration
The Jordan Lake watershed is a massive regional resource utilized by 10 counties, 27 municipalities and nearly 700 water customers (see Figure below), and is continuing to be more populous every day. As challenges with water quality and water supply increase from growing populations, it is imperative that water resources dialogue span across jurisdictional bounds.
Era of Monster Hurricanes Roils Across the Atlantic
Science Says: Era of monster hurricanes roiling the Atlantic
It's not just this year. The monster hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, Jose and Lee that have raged across the Atlantic are contributing to what appears to be the most active period for major storms on record. And the busiest part of hurricane season isn't even over. An analysis of 167...
Stormwater Management Impact in Pittsboro and Siler City and On Your Own Property
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Stormwater Management Program |
The next Chatham Conservation Partnership meeting will be on October 19 from 9 am - 12 pm at the Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center, Hall C (address is 1192 US-64 W Business). They’ll be looking at stormwater impacts. Speakers will give attendees an overview of what stormwater is, why it is important, and what is happening in the county to address impacts of stormwater run-off.
Muddy Waters Watch is a program designed to reduce stormwater impacts of construction projects and they’ll look at post-construction stormwater retrofit projects in Siler City and Pittsboro. Homeowners and landowners will also learn about that they can do on their own properties to reduce stormwater run-off.
Muddy Waters Watch Trains Volunteers to Report Harmful Stormwater Runoff Pollution (Reporting App Available)
Muddy Water Watch
The Muddy Water Watch program was created by Waterkeepers around the country as a way to monitor and protect their waterways from harmful pollution. This project will train volunteers on how to recognize best management practices to keep sediment out of our waterways, how to report and to follow up, so our waterways can finally meet the goals of the Clean Water Act to be fishable and swimmable.