The Collider
The Collider develops, trains, and funds next-generation entrepreneurs creating breakthrough solutions to help humanity adapt to climate change impacts.
A Village and Chatham County (NC) Regional Environmental Resource Site
Asheville Co-Working Space Funding Breakthrough Solutions to Adapt to Impacts of Climate Change
What You Need to Know About Organic Broadleaf Weed Control
What You Need to Know About Organic Broadleaf Weed Control
If you want a chemical-free landscape and also want to defeat lawn weeds, the best defense is prevention. But weed prevention can take some time and, on occasion, you may need herbicides. Organic herbicides are a viable option for weed removal today, with more than 30 on the U.S. market.
Summit Focuses on Climate Risks, Response
Summit Focuses on Climate Risks, Response | Coastal Review Online
HAVELOCK - Adapting to living with rising seas, larger, slower, rain-dumping coastal storms, flooding and extreme heat is going to take forward thinking, collaboration and money. "The planning for resilience, there's no right way to do it," said Jessica Whitehead, chief resilience officer of the recently formed North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resilience.
A 15-Trillion Opportunity for Farmers to Fight Climate Change
This is a $15 trillion opportunity for farmers to fight climate change
Indigo Agriculture believes capturing carbon dioxide from agricultural soil is an effective way to reduce global warming on a massive scale. On Wednesday it launched the Terraton Initiative that includes a carbon market that gives farmers incentives to implement regenerative practices that remove carbon from the atmosphere.