The Western Intake Partnership announces the start of Phase 1 of the Jordan Lake Water Supply Project.
Post Date: 03/02/2022
The Western Intake Partnership announces the start of Phase 1 of the Jordan Lake Water Supply Project. The Western Intake Partnership, made up of Chatham County, the City of Durham, and the Town of Pittsboro, was formed in 2014 to focus on securing a long-term regional water supply together for the communities they serve. In 2020, following extensive study, the Partnership decided to move forward with a plan to withdraw and treat water from Jordan Lake and deliver it to partner water systems.
Jordan Lake is a vital regional resource. It is a popular place for recreation, supplies water to surrounding communities, controls flooding and water quality, and helps conserve fish and wildlife habitats. Now the lake will provide the growing communities of the Western Intake Partnership with a reliable source of clean drinking water, while protecting the reservoir's other uses.
During Phase 1 of the Jordan Lake Water Supply Project, the Partnership will identify and investigate facility location and pipeline route alternatives, determine the capacities required, evaluate treatment process alternatives, evaluate and select the governance model for the Partnership, and conduct an environmental review process. This process is expected to continue through 2024. In future phases, the project is expected to begin construction in 2027 and be completed by 2031.
The project includes:
• A new water treatment facility, intake facility, and pump station on Jordan Lake near the Vista Point recreation area, and finished water transmission pipelines/booster pumping.
• A water supply pipeline to deliver water from the intake facility to a new water treatment facility.
• A water treatment facility on currently owned property near Jordan Lake.
• Drinking water transmission pipelines to deliver water to Partner distribution systems.
Beginning the week of March 7, consultants associated with the project will begin work on a site being considered for the proposed water treatment facility. Their work will include a field survey, preliminary geotechnical investigations, and environmental resource surveys such as wetland and stream delineations. The site being considered is owned by Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) in the vicinity of Jordan Lake.
OWASA is engaged with the Western Intake Partnership but is not a member. OWASA is currently working to finalize a decision on how to meet its long-term water supply needs.
Information about the project can be found at