Triangle Expands Electric Vehicle Corridor

From the Newsletter of the Triangle J Council of Governments

n May of 2022, TJCOG/TCC staff submitted a nomination to the Federal Highway Administration for their sixth round of priority electric vehicle corridor designations, asking for the inclusion of US-70 from Hillsborough to Smithfield. Staff received several letters of support from our member governments along US-70. On July 7th, FHWA approved the nomination making US-70 the newest EV corridor in our region. While I-40 and I-85 were designated as EV corridors in previous rounds, there was a substantial gap present between Durham and Raleigh. US-70's designation fills this gap, gives more of our member governments access to a priority corridor, and connects our region in a way that makes it much more desirable for electric vehicle drivers.

The designation now gives the area along US-70 prioritization for funding under the upcoming National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program. North Carolina expects to receive up to $109 million to build out EV infrastructure along its approved corridors. More information on the NEVI Program can be found here.

In addition to funding opportunities for new infrastructure, this designation will encourage EV drivers to stop along the corridor to charge their vehicles. This creates economic development opportunities for the communities along the corridor. It is expected that NCDOT will add signage to all NC EV corridors in the coming years, letting drivers know which roadways are reliable corridors for those using electric vehicles.

July 2022 Chatham Conservation Partnership (CCP) Meeting

Chatham Conservation Partnership (CCP) July 2022 Meeting Will Focus on Conservation at the Local Government Level.

Please join us on Thursday, July 21, 2022, from 9–11:30 a.m. for a virtual meeting to learn about conservation-related planning and regulatory efforts from our local government in Chatham County.

Meeting Agenda:

Welcome and Introductions

From Plan to Practice: Conservation Efforts in Chatham County
Brandon Dawson, Planner, Chatham County

The Chatham Comprehensive Plan was published in 2017, but now it’s time to put the plan into action. Learn how the Chatham County Planning Department is turning the community’s goals and feedback into on-the-ground policies and regulations that will shape how Chatham County grows and develops in the years to come.

Developing Pittsboro
Cindy Perry, Pittsboro Mayor
Theresa Thompson, Downtown Development Director, Town of Pittsboro

Conservation is a big topic of conversation in Pittsboro. Cindy Perry and Theresa Thompson will share an update on the work to adopt Low Impact Development Standard plans and ordinances and the Natural Resources Conservation Zoning Overlay District. Get your questions answered and hear how these tools can help to shape the future of Pittsboro.

Conservation-related Planning and Regulatory Efforts in Siler City
Jack Meadows, Planning and Community Development Director, Town of Siler City

Jack Meadows will discuss some of the conservation goals that are found in the Town’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and Land Development Plan (LDP). The UDO was adopted in 1993 and has been amended frequently with the help of recommendations from the Town Planning Board. The LDP was adopted in 2017 (staff may recommend an update soon). Some of the specific regulations that will be discussed include stormwater drainage, flood prevention, built upon area, tree retention, and infill development.

Q&A Session

CCP Updates and announcements from members

Click here to register for this virtual meeting. Registration deadline is 5 p.m. on July 20. Registrants will receive an email prior to the event with the Zoom link. 

CCP Steering Committee: Brooke Massa, Brandy Oldham, Debbie Roos, Margaret Sands, Allison Weakley.

For more information about the Chatham Conservation Partnership, visit the CCP website or email

Debbie Roos
Agricultural Extension Agent
Chatham County Center

North Carolina Cooperative Extension