Solarize the Triangle HOA Zoom Webinar, Wednesday January 18, 2023

Solarize the Triangle HOA Webinar

Description: Join to learn about how to navigate solar and your HOA.

The panelists for this HOA webinar consist of Don Moreland of Solar Crowdsource, Matt Abele, Director of Communications for the NC Sustainability Association, Jen Sligar, the chair of an HOA in Cary, Ron Madl, the head of the Sustainability Committee at Carolina Preserve, a neighborhood in Cary, the Sales Team from Yes Solar Solutions, and James Galvin of Thurman, Wilson, Boutwell & Galvin, PA.

Time: 06:30 PM Eastern DST

Fearrington Village Green Scene Meeting Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The January 2023 Meeting was scheduled for 11:00 am to Noon on the THIRD Wednesday in January in the large room at The Gathering Place, one week later than usual. 

Our regular second Wednesday meeting schedule will return for the next meeting. Come join us a week later than usual for just this month exploring some of the many environmental issues that are unfolding in our community and our world. 

All are welcome. Hope to see you there! 

For more information and questions, contact Jason Welsch / Moderator Fearrington Green Scene / 914-806-4852 (Cell Phone)