Summer Heat
This summer is likely to be hot in the U.S., and not just because it is typically the season of swelter. Ocean temperatures, soil moisture, forecast models and long-term trends are all contributing factors in predicting a warmer-than-normal summer this year.
A Village and Chatham County (NC) Regional Environmental Resource Site
NOAA Releases Summer Weather Predistions for All 50 States -- HOT
After Action Report FHA / GREEN SCENE SPRING EVENT, Saturday, May 20, 2023
We had 272 vehicles come through - a "record turnout" for the approximately ten years that I have been involved with this event. Those residents dropped off:
- 6,060 pounds of paper which was shredded and will later be bundled and sent to be recycled at a Georgia Pacific Company toilet tissue factory in Savannah, Georgia.
- Recycled paper is proven to save trees and other resources: using less tree fiber, less fresh water, less energy, and producing less waste than traditional virgin fiber paper. One ton of magazine paper made from virgin fiber requires fifteen trees. Those trees can remain in the ground if we widely and effectively increase our use of recycled paper.
- 6,060 pounds of recycled paper can save approximately 51 trees, 1,140 gallons of oil, six cubic yards of landfill space, 12,000 kilowatts of energy, and 21,000 gallons of water. This represents a 192% energy savings, a 174% water savings, and 180 pounds less air pollution!
- 41.5 pounds of medications, which is a lot of chemical stuff that won’t be flushed down the toilet and end up in wastewater discharge, lakes, and rivers where it could be dangerous for fish, birds, and other wildlife.
The North Chatham Volunteer Fire Department provided important fire safety information for residents. For those who brought their rechargeable extinguishers, they checked the pressure gauge on top to assure it was in the green safe zone, and loosened any content that had settled on the bottom by using a hard rubber mallet to pound on the bottom of the extinguisher, and explained how to use the extinguisher to put out a fire.
The department is not equipped to recharge, refill, and tag any extinguishers and explained that as long as the gauge is in the green zone and the content is loosened, no recharging of a private home's extinguisher is required by NC fire code. Annual recharging is required only for buildings where there is group assembly, group educational, group institutional, residential care and long term care facilities, and hotels/motels.
I suspect that the blast email alert that our FHA Communications Director sent out to the entire community earlier that week played a very positive role in the impressive turnout numbers.
Some might also credit the increased participation to the friendly, welcoming demeanor of the parking lot "Greeters" Jon Darling, Marilyn Racine, Wendy Snodgrass. And we thank Amy Ghiloni, ReMax United Realty, who donated the seed packets that were given out to each attendee.
Obviously, the success of this event depended primarily on the dedicated efforts of the volunteers who put in the HOURS of effort to make it happen. The other volunteers included: Gene Rogers, Maggie Tunstall, Maarten Simon Thomas, Mike Petruska, Cheri Derosia, Phil Ghiloni. THANK YOU, once again, for your time and talents ! And CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done !
Planning ahead, consider circling the third Saturday in October 2023 (October 21, 2023) on your calendar, which is when we will have the opportunity to replicate or surpass our recent efforts.
Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
Green Scene May 10th 2023 Meeting Reminder & Agenda
Large Room at The Gathering Place, 11:00 AM till Noon
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments to:

In response to interest and discussion at meetings earlier this year, we have been very fortunate to engage an authority on Native Plants and Invasive Plants to address our Wednesday, May 10th meeting.
Jerilyn Maclean, a resident of Briar Chapel, who spoke to the Fearrington Garden Club on April 18 - to rave reviews - will address our 11:00 AM to Noon meeting at The Gathering Place. Jerilyn's talents and expertise were featured in a March 15, 2023 article in the Chatham News+Record. She will discuss how natives can be beautiful as well as beneficial to the environment, encouraging pollinators as well as desirable insects and birds.
We will also share some additional information concerning Community Food Waste Composting, as a follow-up to last month's excellent presentation by Cheri DeRosia.
Reminder & complete details about the Saturday, May 20, 2023 FHA / Green Scene Spring Event at The Gathering Place parking lot from 9:00 AM till Noon. This is your semi-annual opportunity to bring important personal papers to be shredded, dispose of unneeded pharmaceuticals, and learn of some important fire prevention tips, courtesy of the North Chatham Volunteer Fire Department.
Mark your calendars, and bring a friend !
Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
914-806-4852 ( Cell Phone )
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments to:
Announcing the 2023 FHA/GREEN SCENE Annual Spring Recycling Event

- Bound paper stacks one inch thick or more need to be separated
- Remove rubber bands and heavy banker's paper clips from papers
- Paper should not be in binders or heavy plastic.
REMEMBER that we are no longer able to accept Household Hazardous Waste at our events; however, the County Will Accept Such Waste on This Same Day.
One of Chatham County’s 2023 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Events will be held on this same day (May 20, 2023) at the County’s Main Recycling Facility approximately 13 miles from Fearrington Village, at [click the address for a MAP] 28 County Services Road, (which is just 6 miles west of Pittsboro, off Hwy 64), between 9:00 am - 3:00 pm on the following schedule:
After the County's May event, there will be six more REMAINING 2023 COUNTY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS scheduled for the following Saturdays
(Chatham County Residents Only). No decal is required. Must show ID at HHW events.
- June 17
- July 15*
- August 19
- September 16
- October 21
- November 18*
*The Sheriff’s Office will be on-site during these HHW events to conduct a medicine takeback. Learn more details below.
No business waste and no trash will be accepted.
Note that household fire extinguishers must be recycled at one of these scheduled Hazardous Waste Collection Events and cannot be recycled at the County regional Collection Centers. If it is from a business it will NOT be accepted at HHW events. Contact a private company for disposal options.
At HHW events, the county accepts such items as oil-based paints, solvents, stains, bleach, aerosols, cleaners, pesticides, brake fluid, fluorescent light bulbs, propane tanks, etc. Residents can bring 20 gallons of latex paint cans per HHW event. If you have a 1-gallon paint can that has half a gallon of paint in it, it will count as 1 gallon. Latex paint can be safely dried out and put in with your regular trash.
For a complete list, please visit the or contact the Solid Waste & Recycling Division at 919-542-5516 or
For information on what items are accepted by the County's HHW program, be sure to visit their website.