Fearrington Village Green's Scene May 08, 2024 Meeting Program

Large Room at The Gathering Place, 11:00 AM till Noon

Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments to: janemcw@aol.com 

On Wednesday, May 8, our 11:00 AM Green Scene Meeting at The Gathering Place will feature a presentation by Seth Darling, Ph.D.  (https://www.anl.gov/profile/seth-b-darling). Seth is the son of our very own Roz and Jon Darling, and he will be speaking to us via Zoom (on the "big screens" in The Gathering Place), from his position at the Argonne National Laboratory ("ANL") in Lemont, Illinois.

Dr. Seth Darling's Argonne National Laboratory Profile

Topic: Some Scientific "Bright Lights" As ANL Works to Improve Our Nation's Water/Air Quality”

The ANL is the first and largest national laboratory in the midwest, employing more than 1000 scientists, is owned by the United States Department of Energy, and operated in conjunction with the University of Chicago.

Seth is the Chief Science and Technology Officer of the Advanced Energy Technologies Directorate at ANL. He also directs the Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS) Center. His research activities have produced pioneering work on the development of new materials for energy and water processing, including membrane materials for water filtration (Smart Water Solutions).

Come and learn about some "state of the art" initiatives that are being explored on our road to addressing the nation's water quality and atmospheric carbon reduction.

Thanks to Fred Morris and Preston Thomas, if time allows we will have the capability for some Q&A following the presentation.