NEXT Program Meeting Will Be On Wednesday, February 12, 2025


There will be NO January Green Scene Meeting
Wednesday Morning, January 8, 2025.

Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday morning, February 12, 2025, as usual, at 11:00 AM, at the Fearrington Gathering Place.


Mark your calendars, and spread the word!

Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
Cell Phone: 914-806-4852
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments

Keep Up To Date By Visiting the Regional Green Scene Blog

2024 Christmas Tree Disposal Guidelines

 If You Wish To Have Your 2024 Christmas Tree Collected by First Choice Disposal, Be Sure To Follow These Guidelines:


For Those Who Are Able To Transport Their Own Tree, Chatham County Offers Free Christmas Tree Recycling Starting on 12/30/2024 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM Through January 17, 2025

Solid Waste & Recycling is offering free Christmas tree recycling at the Main Facility from Monday, December 30 through Friday, January 17. Trees can be accepted Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm at 28 County Services Road, Pittsboro. Please note: the office will be closed on Wednesday, January 1 for New Year’s Day.

Only real trees can be accepted. All decorations, lights, stands, and pots must be removed. Natural wreaths can be accepted as well if they are removed from the wire. After these dates, we will accept trees for the regular yard debris charge of $20 per ton, with a $2 minimum.

Artificial trees can be placed in the scrap metal recycling bin, but all decorations and lights must be removed. Pre-lit trees cannot be recycled, so throw those in with the regular trash.

No Green Scene Meeting Program On December 13, 2024

 The next Green Scene Meeting program will be on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

Details to be posted here soon as well as in The Belted Gazette Newsletter and in the Green Scene  MailChimp Newsletter.


Green Scene Meeting Wednesday
November 13, 2024

The answer to that question is constantly changing ! 

As material processing technology constantly evolves, and as markets for re-processed material also evolve, what we are able to recycle ( and what it makes economic sense to recycle ) is    -   as previously stated   -  constantly changing.   Which is why we have invited back to our November 13 Green Scene Meeting our very own "local authority" on the subject:  Chatham County Recycling & Education Specialist, Shannon Culpepper

In her more than 9 year career with the Chatham County Environmental Quality Department, Shannon has led us on field trips to the Materials Recovery Facility ( MERF ) to which our recycling is sent for initial processing.  She has also, periodically, come to speak to us at G.S. meetings in The Gathering Place   -  to bring us "up to date" on current practices, through slides, and physical samples of the "do's" and "dont's."  Her presentations have always been enlightening   -  and there is always time for Q & A to discuss items of particular interest.    

Also at the Wednesday morning meeting we will get a brief update from Cheri Derosia and David Brown on the impressive launch of Fearrington Composts a few weeks ago. If you haven't done so already, do stop by and take a look at the ( inviting and accessible  Emoji ) containers for food waste that are located to the right of the "new shed" in the G.P. parking lot ( along with the explanatory signs ).

And, last but not least, at the FHA / Green Scene Fall Event on October 19, we collected 3,984 pounds of paper to be shredded and recycled, as well as 28.4 pounds of unneeded pharmaceuticals, to be correctly disposed of by the Chatham County Sheriff's Department. 

Recycling two tons (4,000 lbs) of paper has a significant positive impact on the environment. It can save 34 trees, 760 gallons of oil, 6 cubic yards of landfill space, 8,000 kWh of energy, and 14,000 gallons of water. Additionally, the 34 trees preserved can absorb about 500 lbs of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year, while burning that same ton of paper would release 3,000 lbs of carbon dioxide. Overall, recycled paper generates 74% less air pollution compared to paper made from raw materials.

Once again: THANK YOU to the dedicated G.S. Volunteers who helped to make the event a success ! 

Looking forward to seeing many of you at 11:00 AM Wednesday morning at The Gathering Place.
Please join us for an enlightening experience  -  and maybe even bring a friend.

And Here Is Some Resource Material From Dr. April Pope's Presentation at Last Month's Meeting Focused on Deer 

All  Are PDF Files

Dr. Pope’s Presentation Slides

Is Feeding Deer Harmful?

Deer Problems in Residential Areas

Mark your calendars, and spread the word!

Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
Cell Phone: 914-806-4852
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments

Keep Up To Date By Visiting the Regional Green Scene Blog

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After Action Report on the October 19, 2024 FHA/Green Scene Annual Spring 3-in-1 Recycling Event

A big thank you to all our amazing volunteers—Eugene Rogers, Maarten Simon Thomas, Len Zeller, Kenneth Andrews, Virginia Faust, Bil Rosendfeld, Carol-Ann Greenslade, Stephen Boyd, Karin Ritter, Cheri Derosia, Jon Darling, Marilyn Racine, and Tony Daniels! Thanks to their efforts, we processed 148 vehicles—nearly one per minute—and managed to handle an impressive 3,984 pounds of paper, just shy of two tons! This paper is now on its way to being recycled into toilet paper at a production facility in Georgia. I would also like to acknowledge the financial support of the FHA Board in funding the Shimar Recycling Shredding Truck.

Recycled paper is proven to save trees and other resources: Recycling two tons (4,000 lbs) of paper has a significant positive impact on the environment. It can save 34 trees, 760 gallons of oil, 6 cubic yards of landfill space, 8,000 kWh of energy, and 14,000 gallons of water. Additionally, the 34 trees preserved can absorb about 500 lbs of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year, while burning that same ton of paper would release 3,000 lbs of carbon dioxide. Overall, recycled paper generates 74% less air pollution compared to paper made from raw materials.

At almost the last minute, the North Chatham County Volunteer Fire Department was unable to participate in the event because they were called out for an emergency. The Chatham County Sheriff's Department collected 28.4 pounds of un-needed pharmaceuticals during this event, which is a lot of medicines that won't end up polluting nearby water sources including Jordan Lakeour source of drinking water.

Planning ahead, consider circling the third Saturday in May (May 17, 2025) on your calendar, when we will have the opportunity to replicate and perhaps expand the yield of our fall 2024 community recycling efforts.

Jason Welsch

Moderator, Fearrington Green Scene

Announcing the 2024 FHA/GREEN SCENE Annual Fall Recycling Event


FHA In Partnership with The GREEN SCENE
Saturday, October 19, 2024  Only Between 9:00am and Noon
3 Events — 1 Day: Gathering Place Parking Lot.  



Have your confidential documents destroyed on-site, free of charge. Watch as Shimar Recycling Inc. shreds your documents.

    • Bound paper stacks one inch thick or more need to be separated 
    • Remove rubber bands and heavy banker's paper clips from papers 
    • Paper should not be in binders or heavy plastic.
    • In addition to the bulleted items listed above, If you bring paper in Banker’s Boxes or file storage boxes (both of which are size 24x12x10) to be shredded, NOTE that there is a limit of such paper content from ONLY up to a maximum of 5 (five) such boxes that will be accepted for shredding.   


The Chatham County Sheriff’s Department will be available to safely dispose of all your old, unused, or expired prescription medications safely and legally.

All you need to do is leave them in the original packaging and hand them to the sheriff deputy on duty at the Gathering Place. No liquid medication or "sharps" (needles) are accepted. Remember: NEVER FLUSH medicines as they cause environmental issues.  

AN ALTERNATIVE TO THROWING AWAY YOUR CURRENT UNUSED, UNWANTED PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES: consider donating them to Chatham Cares Community Pharmacy [CCCP] in Siler City, a non-profit community-based organization operated by a licensed pharmacist and committed to reducing health disparities by providing access to quality pharmacy services to the low-income, uninsured, and underinsured residents of Chatham County. Read all about it here.

3. FIRE EXTINGUISHER CHECK Fall 2024 Information -- Stopping Fires In Your Home With Smoke Alarms And Fire Extinguishers. 

The mission of the North Chatham Volunteer Fire Department is to protect lives, property and the community environment from the destructive effects of fire, disaster or other life hazards by providing public education, incident prevention and emergency response services. The department will have staff and firefighters on hand at the event to check your fire extinguisher and to advise on how to safely use it. 

REMEMBER that we are no longer able to accept Household Hazardous Waste at our events; however, the County Will Accept Such Waste on This Same Day.

One of Chatham County’s 2024 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Events will be held on this same day (October 19, 2024) at the County’s Main Recycling Facility approximately 13 miles from Fearrington Village, at [click the address for a MAP28 County Services Road, (which is just 6 miles west of Pittsboro, off Hwy 64), between 9:00 am - 3:00 pm on the following schedule:

After the County's May event, there will be six more REMAINING 2024 COUNTY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS scheduled for the following Saturdays 

(Chatham County Residents Only). No decal is required. Must show ID at HHW events.

  • May 18
  • June 15
  • July 20*
  • August 17
  • September 21
  • October 19
  • November 16*

*The Sheriff’s Office will be on-site during these HHW events to conduct a medicine takeback. Learn more details below.

No business waste and no trash will be accepted.

Note that household fire extinguishers must be recycled at one of these scheduled Hazardous Waste Collection Events and cannot be recycled at the County regional Collection Centers. If it is from a business it will NOT be accepted at HHW events. Contact a private company for disposal options.

At HHW events, the county accepts such items as oil-based paints, solvents, stains, bleach, aerosols, cleaners, pesticides, brake fluid, fluorescent light bulbs, propane tanks, etc. Residents can bring 20 gallons of latex paint cans per HHW event. If you have a 1-gallon paint can that has half a gallon of paint in it, it will count as 1 gallon. Latex paint can be safely dried out and put in with your regular trash.

For a complete list, please visit the or contact the Solid Waste & Recycling Division at 919-542-5516 or

For information on what items are accepted by the County's HHW program, be sure to visit their website.

Fearrington Green Scene October 2024 Meeting


Green Scene Meeting Wednesday
October 9, 2024

What About The Deer???

Join us at 11:00 AM at The Gathering Place for a presentation by April Boggs Pope, the NC Wildlife Resources Commission's 


                  April Boggs Pope
April earned her B.S. degree in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at N.C. State University in 2015. Subsequently in May 2019, she earned her Masters degree in the same subject, also at N.C. State.  April joined the NC Wildlife Resources Commission in October of 2019 and became the Commission's "Deer Biologist" in January of this year.
April will be speaking with us about her education and work background as they relate to "understanding how different levels of urbanization affect deer, how people perceive deer, and factors impacting deer populations and population management strategies."

Her informative presentation will include a wrap up Q & A period with an opportunity for attendees to be able to voice questions and/or concerns relating to the significant deer population in Fearrington Village.
Please join us for an enlightening experience  -  and maybe even bring a friend.

Mark your calendars, and spread the word!

Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
Cell Phone: 914-806-4852
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments

Green Scene June 12, 2024 Meeting Program

 Large Room at The Gathering Place, 11:00 AM till Noon

Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments to:

Topic: Screening & Discussing the Feature Length Environmental Documentary Film Gardening for the Planet

Come along and be prepared for an eye-opening experience!

Note As Each Year, There Will Be No Summer July & August Meetings.

In May 2023, our neighbor from Briar Chapel, Jerilyn Maclean, a locally recognized authority on native plants, gave a presentation at our monthly Green Scene meeting. Jerilyn’s enlightening and enthusiastic program turned out to be the spark of inspiration for a talented Fearrington Village filmmaker, Joanne Hershfield, to explore the possibility of producing a feature-length documentary about the importance of native plants in the ecology of the world in general, and North Carolina in particular. 

The result was the production of Gardening for the Planet, an approximately one-hour film that had its world premiere at the Longleaf Film Festival at Raleigh’s North Carolina Museum of History on May 11, 2024. The film contains a variety of experienced plant, animal, and environmental authorities, along with stunning visual scenes, to convey an important message about the current and future well-being of our world.     

We will be screening Gardening for the Planet, and Joanne Hershfield will be on hand to participate in a Q&A session at the conclusion of the film.

Planning Ahead  -  note that on Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 9:00 AM until Noon, at The Gathering Place parking lot, we will be having our FHA/Green Scene 3-in-1 Fall Event (see the complete details on this link).  This will be your next convenient opportunity to take advantage of free paper shredding, un-needed pharmaceuticals disposal, and picking up some fire prevention information.

Mark your calendars, and spread the word !

All are welcome to this ( free ) educational presentation.

Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
Cell Phone: 914-806-4852
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments

Chatham Conversations - Protecting our Natural Environment

You may be interested in this conversation in the spirit of the Braver Angels movement:

Chatham Conversations - Protecting our Natural Environment

Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Come join the conversation about environmental impact in Chatham County!

The Environmental Defense Fund, with support from the Braver Angels Alliance of Central North Carolina, invites you to be part of a pilot program that brings everyday Americans together to help find environmental solutions that work to make the biggest difference in our communities today and into the future.

In our current social atmosphere of distrust and political polarization, it can be hard for all voices to be heard. The Environmental Defense Fund, a non-partisan organization, recognizes the value of respectful citizen-to-citizen engagement in fostering healthy debates and creative problem-solving to address important environmental challenges that impact everyone.

This workshop provides the opportunity for you to have one-on-one conversations with other Chatham County citizens who may have different perspectives and experiences. There will also be group discussions to help discover common ground and innovative ideas on key environmental issues and possible solutions.

 The goal is for you to leave this workshop with greater confidence that meaningful citizen engagement and cross-party collaboration can create positive changes and improve environmental health in Chatham County and beyond.

Saturday June 29: Option 1: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Option 2: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Event Space: 79°West Coworking Space & Innovation Hub

Address: 120 Mosaic Blvd #120, Pittsboro, NC

Note: Refreshments will be provided, and you will also receive a $50 gift card for your participation.

Click Here to Register

After Action Report on the May 18, 2024 FHA/Green Scene Annual Spring 3-in-1 Recycling Event

Thanks to all the volunteers for their generous contribution of time, talent and labor, and to all the residents who participated in the event, the FHA / Green Scene Spring Event on Saturday May 18, 2024 was another resounding success ! The success of such important community events obviously depends upon the efforts of a significant number of people before, during, and afterward.

We had 210 vehicles pass through the process. They brought 4,644 pounds (2.32 tons) of paper to be shredded   -  which is now on the way to a toilet paper factory in Georgia to be "reprocessed" into a useful product.

2.32 tons of recycled paper saves approximately 40 trees, the energy equivalent of 1,383 gallons of gasoline, 7 cubic yards of landfill space, 9,280 kilowatts of energy, and 16,240 gallons of water. This represents a 135% water savings, and 140 pounds less air pollution!  That's because one tree can filter up to 60 pounds of pollutants from the air each year.

The Chatham County Sheriff's Department collected 35.5 pounds of unneeded pharmaceuticals.  That's a lot of pills.  In fact, a 36% increase from the 26.1 pounds collected at our October 2023 Event. And the enthusiastic members of the North Chatham  Volunteer Fire Department distributed a variety of fire prevention tips to help keep our homes safe and secure from the risk of fires.

In addition to expressing my appreciation to all of you on site volunteers, I would also like to acknowledge the financial support of the FHA Board in funding the Shimar Recycling Shredding Truck.  And also for the very helpful blast email event "reminder" that Communications Director, Tony Carroll, sent to the entire community prior to the event.  

Kudos as well to Grounds, Infrastructure, Facilities, etc. Director, Patrick McGahan, for conceptualizing and then CREATING the NEW SHED in The Gathering Place parking lot. The new shed has already demonstrated its value by providing much needed, convenient, storage space to be used for items that support a variety of outdoor Gathering Place activities ( such as signs, road cones, tools, etc. ).  One of the first items to find a new home in "The Shed" is a large, free standing Umbrella   -  useful for protecting volunteer workers from rain and sun in activities such as the FHA / Green Scene,Spring and Fall Events.  We are grateful to Gillian and Gene Rogers for donating that Umbrella to the Fearrington FHA. Despite the dubious weather forecast, we were fortunate not have even one drop of rain during the event.

Planning ahead, consider circling the third Saturday in October (October 19, 2024) on your calendar, when we will have the opportunity to replicate our spring community recycling efforts.

Jason Welsch
Moderator, Fearrington Green Scene