A Village and Chatham County (NC) Regional Environmental Resource Site
There are no mulch sales on April 19, due to Easter.
Saturday mulch sales are from 7:30 am to Noon at Chatham County Solid Waste & Recycling Main Facility- 28 County Services Road, Pittsboro.
Mulch is $5 per scoop; each scoop is about one cubic yard. We will load large trailers and dump trucks only with a large scoop for $10 per scoop. Note: Saturday sales are cash or check only.
We load, you haul. All loads of mulch MUST be secured. Learn more about securing your load. Tarps are available for purchase at the Main Facility and during mulch sales. The tarps are 6 x 8 feet and cost $3 each.
Contact the Main Facility with questions Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm at 919-542-5516 or email recycle@chathamcountync.gov.
Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
Cell Phone: 914-806-4852
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments to: janemcw@aol.com
If You Wish To Have Your 2024 Christmas Tree Collected by First Choice Disposal, Be Sure To Follow These Guidelines:
For Those Who Are Able To Transport Their Own Tree, Chatham County Offers Free Christmas Tree Recycling Starting on 12/30/2024 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM Through January 17, 2025
Solid Waste & Recycling is offering free Christmas tree recycling at the Main Facility from Monday, December 30 through Friday, January 17. Trees can be accepted Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm at 28 County Services Road, Pittsboro. Please note: the office will be closed on Wednesday, January 1 for New Year’s Day.
Only real trees can be accepted. All decorations, lights, stands, and pots must be removed. Natural wreaths can be accepted as well if they are removed from the wire. After these dates, we will accept trees for the regular yard debris charge of $20 per ton, with a $2 minimum.
Artificial trees can be placed in the scrap metal recycling bin, but all decorations and lights must be removed. Pre-lit trees cannot be recycled, so throw those in with the regular trash.
Details to be posted here soon as well as in The Belted Gazette Newsletter and in the Green Scene MailChimp Newsletter.
A big thank you to all our amazing volunteers—Eugene Rogers, Maarten Simon Thomas, Len Zeller, Kenneth Andrews, Virginia Faust, Bil Rosendfeld, Carol-Ann Greenslade, Stephen Boyd, Karin Ritter, Cheri Derosia, Jon Darling, Marilyn Racine, and Tony Daniels! Thanks to their efforts, we processed 148 vehicles—nearly one per minute—and managed to handle an impressive 3,984 pounds of paper, just shy of two tons! This paper is now on its way to being recycled into toilet paper at a production facility in Georgia. I would also like to acknowledge the financial support of the FHA Board in funding the Shimar Recycling Shredding Truck.
Recycled paper is proven to save trees and other resources: Recycling two tons (4,000 lbs) of paper has a significant positive impact on the environment. It can save 34 trees, 760 gallons of oil, 6 cubic yards of landfill space, 8,000 kWh of energy, and 14,000 gallons of water. Additionally, the 34 trees preserved can absorb about 500 lbs of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year, while burning that same ton of paper would release 3,000 lbs of carbon dioxide. Overall, recycled paper generates 74% less air pollution compared to paper made from raw materials.
At almost the last minute, the North Chatham County Volunteer Fire Department was unable to participate in the event because they were called out for an emergency. The Chatham County Sheriff's Department collected 28.4 pounds of un-needed pharmaceuticals during this event, which is a lot of medicines that won't end up polluting nearby water sources including Jordan Lake—our source of drinking water.
Planning ahead, consider circling the third Saturday in May (May 17, 2025) on your calendar, when we will have the opportunity to replicate and perhaps expand the yield of our fall 2024 community recycling efforts.
Jason Welsch
Moderator, Fearrington Green Scene
In addition to the bulleted items listed above, If you bring paper in Banker’s Boxes or file storage boxes (both of which are size 24x12x10) to be shredded, NOTE that there is a limit of such paper content from ONLY up to a maximum of 5 (five) such boxes that will be accepted for shredding.
REMEMBER that we are no longer able to accept Household Hazardous Waste at our events; however, the County Will Accept Such Waste on This Same Day.
One of Chatham County’s 2024 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Events will be held on this same day (October 19, 2024) at the County’s Main Recycling Facility approximately 13 miles from Fearrington Village, at [click the address for a MAP] 28 County Services Road, (which is just 6 miles west of Pittsboro, off Hwy 64), between 9:00 am - 3:00 pm on the following schedule:
After the County's May event, there will be six more REMAINING 2024 COUNTY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS scheduled for the following Saturdays
(Chatham County Residents Only). No decal is required. Must show ID at HHW events.
*The Sheriff’s Office will be on-site during these HHW events to conduct a medicine takeback. Learn more details below.
No business waste and no trash will be accepted.
Note that household fire extinguishers must be recycled at one of these scheduled Hazardous Waste Collection Events and cannot be recycled at the County regional Collection Centers. If it is from a business it will NOT be accepted at HHW events. Contact a private company for disposal options.
At HHW events, the county accepts such items as oil-based paints, solvents, stains, bleach, aerosols, cleaners, pesticides, brake fluid, fluorescent light bulbs, propane tanks, etc. Residents can bring 20 gallons of latex paint cans per HHW event. If you have a 1-gallon paint can that has half a gallon of paint in it, it will count as 1 gallon. Latex paint can be safely dried out and put in with your regular trash.
For a complete list, please visit the www.chathamcountync.gov/hhw or contact the Solid Waste & Recycling Division at 919-542-5516 or recycle@chathamcountync.gov.
For information on what items are accepted by the County's HHW program, be sure to visit their website.
Join us at 11:00 AM at The Gathering Place for a presentation by April Boggs Pope, the NC Wildlife Resources Commission's
Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
Cell Phone: 914-806-4852
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments to: janemcw@aol.com