Chatham Conservation Partnership Meeting (Health of Our Rivers)

Meeting Date & Details: January 21, 2016 at 9:00am to noon at the Agriculture Building Auditorium,  65 East Chatham St. in Pittsboro. The meeting is free and open to the general public. No need to register - just show up!

Come learn about the health of our rivers! The rivers of Chatham County provide important natural resources for our community, including fish and wildlife habitat, recreation opportunities, and drinking water.

They will have two speakers for our next quarterly meeting on January 21 at the Chatham County Cooperative Extension Office auditorium in Pittsboro.  Elaine Chiosso, from the Haw River Assembly, will speak about the impacts sludge (solid waste from treated wastewater) has on the Haw, Deep, and Rocky rivers. Dr. Detlef Knappe from North Carolina State University will inform us about 1,4-Dioxane, an industrial solvent found in Pittsboro’s drinking water, and its long-term risk factors.

For more information about these topics, please see the following links:
Information provided by Catherine Deininger / Scientist, Environmental ManagementBiocenosis, LLC (919) 302-3162