Free Coal Ash Informational Sessions in Chatham and Lee Counties

Come learn more about coal ash at the upcoming series of meetings in Lee and Chatham Counties this month. There is no registration required for these free community events. 
Everyone is welcome to attend these informative presentations. 
Please share this announcement with any that may be interested in coming. 

Three Community Meetings on Coal Ash

  • Saturday, May 7. Cumnock Baptist Church, 477 Cumnock Rd., Sanford.
1:00-3:00 PMLouis Zeller, Director of Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, will share tips on leadership and strategy.
3:30-4:30 PM. Rebecca C. Fry, PhD, UNC-Chapel Hill, “Heavy Metals in Coal Ash: What are the Health Risks?”
Dr. Fry's specialty is heavy metal toxicity and her research has focused on its effect on pregnant women, developing fetuses, and young children.
  • Saturday, May 14. Liberty Chapel Church, Samuels Annex Bldg., 1855 Old U.S. 1, Moncure.
1:00-3:00 PMAvner Vengosh, PhD, Duke University, “Risks of Coal Ash to the Environment and Human Health.”
Dr. Vengosh will be speaking about radioactivity and heavy metals in coal ash. His presentation will be followed by an extensive question and answer period to allow concerned citizens to get clarification about these issues.
3:30-4:30 PMGeorge Lucier, PhD, Former Assoc. Director National Toxicology Program, "Health Risks from Coal Ash Constituents."
  • Saturday, May 21.  Liberty Chapel Church, Samuels Annex Bldg., 1855 Old U.S. 1, Moncure.
1:00-3:00 PMTherese Vick, N.C. Healthy Sustainable Communities Campaign Coordinator, BREDL, “Using N.C. Public Records Law.”
3:30 - 4:30 PMJane Gallagher, PhD, MPH, U.S. EPA (retired), "Monitoring Coal Ash Drinking Water Contaminants.