A Billion Birds Have Vanished From North America

A note from Deepa Sanyal in Fearrington Village

Do you hear this sound outside your window? It is a Wood Thrush singing. But you may not hear its song for much longer. Wood Thrush numbers have decreased by 70% in the last 40 years as have total numbers of birds since 1970, resulting primarily from human activity that has produced or increased global warming, excessive noise, loss of habitat, and landscape pollution.

What can you do to continue to hear birds sing? Become part of the web of birds, bees, and flowers. Plant native, pollinator plants that attract bees and monarch butterflies and the caterpillars that birds feed on. Examples of native pollinators - Phlox, Yarrow, Butterfly Weed, Green and Gold and many others. Check NCSU's planting native website.

Many insects are beneficial to your plants and will not do much damage to your home garden. Learn to differentiate the beneficials from the true pests.

If you must spray, use natural (plant based, soap and oil, minerals) pesticides (fungicides, herbicides and insecticides).  A healthy environment and wildlife begins at home… and in your garden. Check out this excellent organic approved pesticides factsheet from The Xerces Society.

A billion birds have vanished from North America