An homage to Andy
Every garden and yard has dead fall and organic debris. In many communities, disposing of these materials is problematic and expensive. In the "Forrest Dweller Sculpture Garden", inspired by nature artist Andy Goldsworthy, we have created a living sculpture that integrates the various sculptural elements and affords ecological advantages for our property.
A Village and Chatham County (NC) Regional Environmental Resource Site
Garden Windrows as Fertile Bio-Shelter Sculptures
Windrows consist of carefully, artistically placed (sculptured) branches that have fallen, weeds, wanted plants that have overgrown their places in beds and seasonal leaves all placed to provide bio-shelter cover for numerous critters -- birds, rodents, snakes, insects etc. As this material breaks down, it produces wonderful hummus. Such windrow sculptures can then be "mined" for the "black gold" that is constantly being created and used to fertilize new growth in gardens. As time proceeds, plants find these fertile environments perfect, and fern and mosses begin to proliferate to create new, wondrous berms.