Fearrington Green Scene October 2024 Meeting


Green Scene Meeting Wednesday
October 9, 2024

What About The Deer???

Join us at 11:00 AM at The Gathering Place for a presentation by April Boggs Pope, the NC Wildlife Resources Commission's 


                  April Boggs Pope

April earned her B.S. degree in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at N.C. State University in 2015. Subsequently in May 2019, she earned her Masters degree in the same subject, also at N.C. State.  April joined the NC Wildlife Resources Commission in October of 2019 and became the Commission's "Deer Biologist" in January of this year.

April will be speaking with us about her education and work background as they relate to "understanding how different levels of urbanization affect deer, how people perceive deer, and factors impacting deer populations and population management strategies."

Her informative presentation will include a wrap up Q & A period with an opportunity for attendees to be able to voice questions and/or concerns relating to the significant deer population in Fearrington Village.

Please join us for an enlightening experience  -  and maybe even bring a friend.

Mark your calendars, and spread the word!

Jason Welsch, Moderator
Fearrington Green Scene
Cell Phone: 914-806-4852
Email Questions, Replies, and/or Comments tojanemcw@aol.com