Chatham County Climate Change Advisiory Committee Meeting April 12, 2018 (Public)

AGENDA Chatham County Climate Change Advisory Committee

The Old Agricultural Building April 12, 2018 7:00 p.m. The public is invited.

  1. Call to Order 
  2. Approve minutes of March 1 meeting
  3. Presentation by Aaron Fleischauer re health impacts of climate change 
  4. Presentation by Cindy Perry, Mayor of Pittsboro, regarding possible climate actions by the Town and coordination with the Climate Committee
  5. Status of priority actions with the Commissioners and development of final list by County Manager, Renee Paschal --- -- Committee role re Commissioner priority actions? Dan 
  6. Status of Rural Climate Dialogue project: Jeff, Becky
  7. Status of forest land/soil sequestration efforts: Amy, Ron, Tenita, John G. 
  8. Triangle Cities VW conference and other transportation matters: Keith 9. Other 
  9. Public input
  10. Adjourn