Down Along The Haw: The History of a Great North Carolina River

A 2012 publication well worth reading. 

North Carolina’s Haw River has a rich geographic, ecological and cultural history, tracked here from its source to its confluence with the Atlantic Ocean. 

From grinding mills to algae science, this popular history features interviews with mill owners and workers, archaeologists, environmentalists, farmers, water treatment managers and many others whose lives have been connected to this river. 

Additionally, it explores life on the river’s banks and humans’ place in its rich ecology.

The first 18 pages can be read FREE at this Google Books link. The book is available on Amazon as well as some area bookstores. Copies are also available in Bynum at the General Store (when it's open) and from the Haw River Assembly. 

Anne Melyn Cassebaum is associate professor emerita at Elon University, where she taught writing, environmental and American literature for 25 years. She serves on the board of the Haw River Assembly and lives in Alamance County, North Carolina.